Angel Antonio Torres, property 21, vanished connected May 21, 1999 from Biddleford, Maine.
Angel was calved successful Bronx, New York, and relocated to Maine with his parents and member erstwhile helium was six years old. His parents wanted to beryllium successful a quieter spot to rise their children. A younger member was calved aft the family’s determination to Maine.

Although the children loved Maine, it was a spot of a civilization shock. As Angel and his brothers entered precocious school, helium was an fantabulous jock and thrived successful school, but different boys astatine the schoolhouse resented his popularity with the girls.
Angel went connected to assemblage successful Massachusetts and lived successful the dorms. He was majoring successful concern and psychology.
Angel announced successful May 1999 that helium was going to determination into an flat successful Massachusetts with his girlfriend, whom his parents had not yet met. His parent insisted that they beryllium capable to conscionable her. Angel complied, and their parents some approved of the relationship.
Later that month, Angel called his parents to privation them a blessed anniversary, and mentioned that helium planned to enactment with a antheral person for a fewer days, portion waiting for the caller flat to beryllium ready. His parent welcomed Angel and his woman to enactment successful their location instead, but Angel declined. He assured her that helium would interaction her again with his caller telephone fig erstwhile helium got to the apartment.
This was the past clip his household heard from him. His household aboriginal learned that Angel was successful Biddeford, Maine erstwhile helium called his parents, though helium did not notation this during the call, and his parents had believed helium was successful Massachusetts.
A fewer days later, his person Ernest called his parents, asking if they had seen Angel. He identified himself arsenic the person Angel was expected to beryllium staying with, and hadn’t heard from him. He said Angel’s woman had called him, upset, and disquieted that Angel had gotten acold feet. It became evident that cipher knew Angel’s whereabouts, and his parents called the police.
Maine Police indicated that they suspected Angel was successful Biddeford to merchantability drugs, which led to a mentation that his disappearance could beryllium related to cause activity, though constabulary added that Angel was lone a tiny clip dealer, conscionable trying to marque ends meet. The accusation astir Angel selling drugs came from an acquaintance of Angel.
Police and Angel’s household judge that a much apt script involves Angel’s imaginable cognition of the execution of 15 twelvemonth aged Ashley Ouellette, who had been recovered strangled successful Scarborough, Maine. Angel’s begetter recalls watching TV with Angel, erstwhile a quality study aired regarding the murder. Angel commented to his begetter that helium knew who was responsible.
Although Ashley’s execution remains unsolved, her parent has told the media that 1 of the past radical to spot Ashley was a antheral named Jason Carney. Jason Carney was the acquaintance of Angel’s, who stated that Angel had travel to Biddeford to merchantability drugs, and whitethorn besides person been the past to spot Angel alive.
Jason admitted that helium had seen Angel connected South Street successful Biddeford astatine astir 2:00am connected May 21, but claims that Angel hitched a thrust successful a reddish pickup motortruck with a dense acceptable driver. However, different witnesses stated that they recalled Jason returning to a friend’s location without Angel, upset and disheveled. His feet were soaking wet.
Jason Carney died of an overdose successful 2015.
Angel’s household believes that helium is the unfortunate of a homicide, and that determination are radical who cognize what happened but person been intimidated into silence. They proceed to anticipation idiosyncratic volition travel guardant truthful they tin retrieve his remains and laic him to rest.
The Dark Downeast podcast released an fantabulous 2 portion bid connected Angel’s disappearance, successful which his parents and younger member are guests. I highly urge giving it a listen.
Conway Daily Sun