Beverly McCool

10 months ago 199

Beverly Joan McCool, property 50, vanished from Lakewood, Colorado connected February 6, 1977.

Very small is known astir Beverly’s beingness and disappearance. The lone details offered are that she near her residence astatine 8693 West Warren Drive astatine 9:00pm, connected what was apt a acold wintertime night, to instrumentality a walk, and ne'er returned.

The supra photograph of Beverly is the lone 1 I was capable to find; it is simply a assemblage photograph that was taken successful the 1940’s, astir 30 years earlier she vanished. Her maiden sanction was Spellerberg, and she had been the people caput astatine Colorado Woman’s College.

She joined William Edward McCool, and had 3 children, each of whom are deceased.

Beverly was declared legally dormant successful February 1984.




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