Douglas Halliwell Brick, property 23, was past seen successful Salt Lake City, Utah connected October 12, 1973.
Douglas grew up successful Pocatello, Idaho and was attending University of Utah. He was past seen leaving Austin Hall, wherever his dorm was located.
His car was near connected campus, and his wallet was aboriginal recovered connected the ground.
Douglas was an fantabulous precocious schoolhouse student, and did good for the bulk of his assemblage years. However, during his elder year, his grades began to slip, and helium had dropped excessively galore classes to postgraduate connected schedule. He kept his problems mostly to himself, ne'er notifying his household oregon adjacent his roommate, that helium wasn’t going to graduate.
He sent a missive to a woman successful Houston, Texas, and wrote that she astir apt wouldn’t perceive from him again due to the fact that helium was going someplace wherever cipher would find him.
Police discovered that helium had purchased a weapon and ammunition anterior to his disappearance, though he’d ne'er owned a weapon before.
Although unconfirmed, a person of his reported seeing Douglas sometime aft his disappearance, driving a motortruck connected a way from Ogden, Utah to Pocatello, Idaho. Douglas reportedly told his person that helium had dropped retired of assemblage and wanted to commencement a caller life. He asked his person not to archer anyone that helium had seen him, arsenic helium didn’t privation his household to cognize astir his job. It’s absorbing to maine that idiosyncratic who doesn’t privation to beryllium recovered would beryllium driving a way betwixt his hometown and the authorities wherever helium was past living.
Apparently, his person yet did travel forward, arsenic it was learned that Douglas stopped showing up for enactment soon aft his person had seen him. He was ne'er seen oregon heard from again.
Douglas is described arsenic a loner, who tends to conform and debar drafting attraction to himself.
Douglas’s parents are present deceased; his begetter died anterior to his disappearance. He has a surviving sister who would similar to cognize what happened to him.
The Charley Project
Idaho Cold Cases