Missing Juvenile Nairobi Numandinbey from the 25th District

1 month ago 32

The Philadelphia Police Department needs the public’s assistance successful locating a missing juvenile Nairobi Numandinbey, Jr. A 17-year-old was past seen connected Friday, December 20, 2024, astatine 4:00 p.m., connected the 2XX artifact of West Wyoming Avenue.

He is 5’10”, 210 lbs., brownish eyes and achromatic hair. He was past seen wearing a grey hoodie, and achromatic sweatpants. He likes to predominant the country of Roosevelt Boulevard betwixt 5th Street and Front Street.

Anyone with immoderate accusation connected Nairobi’s whereabouts is asked to delight interaction East Detectives astatine 215-686-3243.

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