Missing Person James Montgomery from the 15th District Has Been Located

1 week ago 43

The Philadelphia Police Department is asking for the public’s assistance successful locating missing idiosyncratic James Montgomery, past seen connected June 22, 2024, astatine 3:30 pm.

Mr. Montgomery is an 87-year-old White male, 5’10” tall, and weighs astir 110 pounds. He has grey hairsbreadth and bluish eyes. He was past seen wearing a tan short-sleeve button-up garment with a achromatic long-sleeve garment underneath, bluish jeans, and tan sandals. Mr. Montgomery whitethorn beryllium connected the 900 artifact of Cross Street, 13th and Pine Streets, oregon 10th and Cross Streets.

Anyone with accusation connected Mr. Montgomery’s whereabouts is urged to interaction Northeast Detectives astatine 215-686-3153 oregon dial 911 immediately.

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