March 13, 2025
The Philadelphia Police Department is requesting the public’s assistance successful locating missing idiosyncratic Larry Bradley. Larry was past seen March 12, 2025, at 4:00 PM connected the 9xx artifact of S. 4th St.
Larry is 33 years-of-age, 5’9, 200 lbs., bushy hair, balding connected the top, beard past seen wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt, abbreviated achromatic jacket, acheronian bluish jeans, acheronian bluish sneakers, and a achromatic aesculapian look mask. He whitethorn spell to Center successful the Park astatine Germantown and Chelten Ave, oregon Fernhill Park astatine Roberts & Wissahickon Ave.
Anyone with accusation astir Larry’s whereabouts is urged to interaction the South Detective Division astatine 215-686-3013 oregon telephone 911 immediately.