Missing Person Zaahier R. Sims from the 14th District

4 days ago 21

The Philadelphia Police Department is requesting the public’s assistance successful locating Zaahier R. Sims, a 17-year-old antheral who was past seen connected Wednesday, April 14, 2024, astatine 9:00 pm, connected the 500 artifact of East Penn Street.

Zaahier is described arsenic a Black male, 5’10” gangly and weighing astir 300 pounds. He has a acheronian complexion, brownish eyes and achromatic hair. He was past seen wearing a badge indispensable hooded overgarment with a grey and achromatic pants.

Anyone with accusation connected Zaahier’s whereabouts is urged to interaction Northwest Detective Division astatine 215-686-3353 oregon dial 911.

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