The Disappearance of Misty Potts

1 year ago 257

Misty Potts was calved successful Edmonton, Alberta successful 1977 and grew up connected the Alexis Nakota Sioux First Nation, astir 70km away. Her household – including brothers Zachary and Percy Jr. and sister Eva – were raised precise traditional, with their begetter being a huntsman and their parent a gatherer. Their father, successful particular, made definite the girl’s knew their worth.

According to Eva, Misty was funny, kind, astute and selfless, with a compassionate heart. She loved her assemblage and was committed to sharing and preserving her culture.

After graduating from Onoway High School, Misty near location to be the University of Manitoba. She received her Bachelor of Arts successful 2002, and 8 years aboriginal earned her Master’s successful Environmental Studies. Her thesis discussed the implications of the lipid and state manufacture connected Canada’s Indigenous population.

Around this time, Misty helped with the documentary movie wanorazi yumneze (Awakening Spirit), which looked astatine however industrialization impacts First Nations communities. This was followed by a teaching stint astatine Yellowed Tribal College successful Edmonton and enactment connected a fig of different environmental-related projects.

Misty’s beingness was going well, with her giving commencement to a lad named Gabriel and moving backmost to Manitoba. She’d besides planned to prosecute her PhD part-time astatine Athabasca University, successful Alberta. Unfortunately, successful 2011, Zachary died by suicide, an lawsuit that was followed by Misty and her hubby separating. The second got custody of their son.

All this led Misty to statesman utilizing marijuana, which itself turned into medicine cause and methamphetamine use. Knowing she needed to abstracted herself from the situation, she moved backmost location to Alberta, and with the enactment of her parent and Eva began seeking assistance for her substance maltreatment issues.

Despite this, her sister believes she was spending clip with different cause users.


The past clip anyone from Misty’s contiguous household spoke to oregon saw her was connected February 24, 2015. Along with talking to Eva, she called Gabriel and visited the convenience store with her mother, with whom she was staying. While astatine the store, she ran into immoderate friends.

Misty was past progressive connected Facebook connected March 7, 2015, erstwhile she sent a connection to her niece. Approximately 1 week later, connected either the 13th, 14th oregon 16th of March (sources vary), the 37-year-old was past seen lasting on the broadside of the road, at the intersection of highways 43 and 765. The determination was lone a abbreviated region from her mother’s house.

After 2 weeks of nary contact, her household officially reported Misty missing to the RCMP connected March 30, 2015. While she would vanish for a week oregon 2 astatine a time, it was uncommon for them to not person a telephone telephone oregon connection connected societal media.


The Mayerthorpe detachment of the RCMP is presently handling the case. Eva was speedy to knock investigators, claiming they didn’t instrumentality the lawsuit earnestly during the archetypal 2 weeks, owed to Misty’s past with illicit substances.

To get the lawsuit successful the nationalist eye, Eva launched her ain crushed searches, conducted media interviews and organized circular dances wrong the community. The household person besides looked into tips connected their own, traveling arsenic acold arsenic Edmonton. Eva’s since said that she believes her sister is dormant and that Misty’s disappearance is apt related to her cause use.

The RCMP has conducted crushed searches successful the country wherever Misty was past seen, and investigators person reached retired to detachments successful Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia, arsenic the missing pistillate has ties to each 3 provinces.


Misty Faith Potts disappeared from the Alexis Nakota Sioux First Nation successful Alberta successful mid-March 2015. She was 37 years aged astatine the time, and was past seen astatine the intersection of highways 43 and 765, with the presumption being that she’d locomotion the abbreviated region home.

Misty is described arsenic having a mean build, lasting astatine 5’6″ to 5’7″ gangly and weighing betwixt 120-130 pounds. The RCMP states she weighed upwards of 170. She had acheronian brownish eyes; black, shoulder-length hair; and a freckled face. At the clip of her disappearance, she was wearing a reddish jacket, coral-coloured jeans and thick, black-rimmed medicine glasses.

According to the RCMP, Misty whitethorn person travelled to Edmonton oregon British Columbia’s little mainland. She besides has ties to Manitoba.


Anyone with accusation regarding Misty Potts’ lawsuit is asked to interaction the Mayerthorpe detachment of the RCMP astatine either (780) 786-2800 oregon (780) 786-2291. Tips tin besides beryllium submitted anonymously via Crime Stoppers astatine +1 (800) 222-8477.

Image Credit: RCMP


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