Shannon White was primitively from Ontario, Canada. The girl of Gerald White, she’d relocated to Bestwick Court, successful the Lower Sahali neighbourhood of Kamloops, British Columbia. She rented a basement suite successful the location of Matt Hatch and his family, with whom she got on with.
A person of the outdoors, Shannon had a 13-year-old canine that she took everyplace with her. She was besides precise progressive connected societal media and was a beloved subordinate of the Kamloops Jeep community. To marque ends meet, she worked arsenic an accountant astatine Kamloops Hyundai, located connected Notre Dame Drive.
In 2018, Shannon divided from her husband. While she’d entered into a narration aboriginal that year, things didn’t enactment out, with the breakup said to person been peculiarly rough.
Shannon near her basement flat for enactment astatine 8:00 AM connected November 1, 2021. She was seen by her landlord, who noted she was wearing a achromatic hoodie. He’d spoken to her the erstwhile nighttime aft bringing her leftover Halloween candy and aboriginal told constabulary that thing seemed amiss.
Around the clip she near for work, Shannon besides sent a substance connection to a friend.
Shannon was expected to get astatine Kamloops Hyundai astatine 8:30 AM, but failed to amusement up. She hadn’t informed her employers that she’d beryllium precocious and nary 1 could scope her erstwhile they tried to interaction her – some of these were retired of quality for the 32-year-old.
The pursuing day, constabulary officers recovered Shannon’s Jeep parked successful downtown Kamloops, successful the 200-block of Nicola Street, adjacent Third Avenue. It was extracurricular of the Sacred Heart Cathedral, crossed from Royal Inland Hospital, and was astir 1.3 km from her residence. Notably, the pinkish angiosperm that usually sat supra the vehicle’s spare tyre was missing.
Upon being notified of Shannon’s disappearance, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Kamloops Search and Rescue spent 2 weeks searching respective areas crossed the city. Some 10 days aft her Jeep was located, Mounties were seen searching an country westbound of Kamloops, arsenic good arsenic a trailer belonging to her ex-boyfriend. It had been parked astatine the Silver Sage Trailer Court, connected the Tk’emlups Reserve. Shannon’s ex-partner hasn’t been publically named arsenic a fishy successful her case, but pursuing the hunt of the trailer, investigators hauled distant 3 trucks.
While authoritative hunt efforts person died down, the all-volunteer Search, Rescue and Detection K9s of BC (SRD K9s) person continued to behaviour searches successful areas of interest. Shannon’s begetter has besides traveled to Kamloops to hunt for his daughter.
According to the RCMP, whoever was driving Shannon’s Jeep connected the greeting connected November 1, 2021, was seen heading westbound on the Trans Canada Highway, toward Inks Lake, astir the clip she was expected to beryllium arriving astatine work. They drove for 45 minutes. It was besides revealed that the conveyance was spotted astatine astir 5:30 PM that evening immoderate 23 minutes from Kamloops, heading northbound past Rayleigh connected Highway 5. The Jeep was past seen returning southbound astir 45 minutes later.
Shannon’s landlord and his woman were questioned aboriginal connected successful the investigation. Fingerprints were besides taken from the residence.
On the archetypal day of her disappearance, the Jeep assemblage successful Kamloops held a memorial thrust for Shannon. Her friends and loved ones besides assistance support the Facebook group, MISSING: SHANNON WHITE.
Little accusation has been released regarding the probe into Shannon’s disappearance, with the RCMP citing the ongoing quality of the case. It’s presently being handled by the Serious Crimes Unit of the Kamloops detachment.
Shannon White went missing from Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, connected November 1, 2021. She was 32 years aged astatine the clip and near her residence successful her achromatic 1997 TJ-model Jeep, licence sheet KA0 22N, which has since been located. The conveyance had a turquoise thenar people decal connected the driver’s broadside reflector and a similar-coloured “Wander Lust” decal connected the rider broadside of the hood, with a circular signifier betwixt the words.
Shannon is described arsenic just skinned, with blonde hairsbreadth and bluish eyes. She stands astatine 5’5″ and weighs 180 pounds. She’s known to sometimes deterioration glasses, and she has some a medusa articulator piercing and her lingua pierced. There are respective ample tattoos connected her arms, including a representation of her dog, Buddy, who has since passed.
The RCMP is presently treating Shannon’s lawsuit arsenic suspicious, with foul play suspected.
Anyone with accusation is asked to interaction the Kamloops detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police astatine (250) 828-3000.
Image Credit: iNFO News/Richmond News